Today seems very fitting to write about a part of the beginning of Prayerful Signs & how Melanie came along side of me as I navigated the uncharted waters. Today, as I write this, it is also Melanie's birthday! To say she was a "God-send" is more than accurate!
I prayed a specific prayer for someone to help me with the virtues. God delivered Melanie not only for the beautiful gifting she has been given by Him, but also because He knew I needed a friend for life, as well as a virtuous prayer warrior within Prayerful Signs.
I remember the day God introduced me to her. I was feeling overwhelmed with the amazing task of praying for each Prayerful Sign order & pressing into what God would want me to share with the customers for their virtues. I was eager to find help and God's faithfulness came through. Melanie sat next to me at a Bible study in 2014. We were reading 'Discerning the Voice of God' by Priscilla Shirer which was so very fitting at that moment in both our lives!
The funny thing about her sitting next to me was that everyone seemed to sit in the same spot each Wednesday meeting, but this day was different! We changed our seats & I am certain this is why! Melanie and I began talking about dreams. It was a conversation that was led by the Holy Spirit because there is no telling how we got on that subject and you just don't start sharing about your dreams with a perfect stranger. Especially my dreams for those reading who know me! This opened up a conversation for her to tell me, "Lately, when I am reading my Bible or having my quiet time, God is highlighting certain words."
My heart almost jumped out of my chest and I KNEW this was the answer to prayer! I went on to ask her about what words specifically and she began naming various virtues! She had been making a list of them in hopes of piecing them together one day to make sense of it all.
I invited her to grab lunch with me after the study. We did just that and it allowed me to ask if she was working anywhere part time. She said she had been searching for a job, just no door had opened yet.
After I told Melanie about Prayerful Signs, she went home to discuss with her husband & we were all in agreement this was God ordained! In years that followed we started talking about where we had been. When I was teaching in 2008, Melanie interviewed for the speech therapist at that exact same elementary I was teaching at! Our paths almost crossed then, but if they would have I know this story would be much different!
God's timing is perfect in all things! His ways are higher and His plan is way better than anything we could ever imagine!
Melanie typed up this prayer & handed it out to the ladies at our study. I have it in my Prayerful Signs work space to read as often as I possibly can.
Surrender Prayer: From Discerning the Voice of God, by Priscilla Shirer
Dear Lord,
I surrender myself to you and ask that you heighten my spiritual senses to see and hear you throughout the day. As I am doing the mundane tasks that consume my life please help me purposefully turn my awareness inward and say, "God what do you think?"
Please Lord, reformat my thinking to understand that every part of my body has been given to me not for my own gratification but as a tool to do what is right for the glory of God (Romans 6:13). I give my hands to you for Your work, my feet to walk Your path, and my ears to hear You speak.
Lord this day, I present myself as a tool for you. Today I am your living sacrifice.
